Summer Week activity
21 July 2024

To further enhance employee engagement and foster a positive work environment, Anabeeb recently organized a Summer Week activity for all employees.

نظمت أنابيب مؤخرًا فعالية الصيف لجميع الموظفين لتعزيز مشاركتهم الفعالة وتعزيز بيئة عمل إيجابية

09 July 2024

As our business evolves and operational excellence thrives after 40 years in the market, we invite talented individuals to join our team and steer your future towards success.
Please share your credentials at: to explore opportunities with us.

Hijri New Year
7 July 2024

Today marks the beginning of the Hijri New Year. Wishing everyone a year full of blessings and happiness.

عام هجري مبارك 1446 هـ جعله الله عام نجاح وازدهار وكل عام وانتم بخير

Aramco Jazan Refinery
26 Jun 2024

Anabeeb’s Team participated in the Safety Contractor Campaign at ARAMCO Jazan Refinery, demonstrating our safety engagement.

Happy Father's Day
16 Jun 2024

This Father's Day, we celebrate and thank all fathers worldwide, including those within Anabeeb . Wishing you all good health and happiness as you continue to be the guiding light and role models for your families.

في يوم الأب العالمي نسأل الله لجميع الآباء دوام الصحة والسعادة وكل عام وأنتم السند والداعم لعائلاتكم

Eid Al-Adha
16 Jun 2024

World Blood Donor Day
14 Jun 2024

Saving lives through blood donation: not just about giving, it's about reaping health benefits too. Be a lifesaver today!

التبرع بالدم عمل منقذ للأرواح وتضامن مع الاخرين وسبيل للصحة الجيدة

10 Jun 2024

Anabeeb’s team achieved a successful completion of Sasref MPE Turnaround with an execution ahead of schedule this achievement serves as a solid demonstration of our 3 keys of success to our esteemed clients: adherence to safety standards, delivery of top-notch quality, and successful scheduling.

حقق فريق أنابيب نجاحاً في اكمال مشروع ساسرف MPE Turnaround ويعد هذا الإنجاز تأكيداً لمفاتيح النجاح التي تعتمدها أنابيب في تقديم خدماتها لعملائها وتشمل الالتزام بمعايير السلامة , تقديم اعلى معايير الجودة والجدولة الزمنية الناجحة.

Protect the Environment
5 Jun 2024

Embracing Environment Day with our eco-conscious ethos and daily commitment to greener practices. Together, we make a positive impact! 🌿🌍

معاً لنحدث تأثير ملموس وايجابي من خلال التزمنا اليومي بالممارسات الواعية والصديقة للبيئة.

Sipchem Certificate of Appreciation
4 Jun 2024

The remarkable teamwork displayed by Anabeeb team during SIPCHEM Al-Waha & Phase-ll was recognized by SIPCHEM Turnaround Management with an appreciation certificate.

حصل فريق عمل أنابيب على شهادة تقدير من سبكيم نظير جهودهم ومساهمتهم في مشروع الصيانة الدورية (الواحة و المرحلة الثانية) للعام الحالي.

2 Jun 2024

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our esteemed clients, business partners, and interested visitors for gracing our booth during hashtag STOTME2024 technical conference & Exhibition held at Grand Hyatt, Khobar. Our interactions were enriching, filled with meaningful discussions, idea exchanges, and solutions in the shutdowns and turnarounds industry. Special gratitude goes to hashtag STOTME executive committee members and the hashtag Energia Middle East team for their meticulous organization of the conference. We truly appreciate all their efforts in making this event a success.

نقدر ونشكر عملاء وشركاء أنابيب على دعمهم وزيارتهم لجناح أنابيب في مؤتمر ومعرض STOTME2024 وللجهة المنظمة على مجهودهم في إنجاح المؤتمر.

29 MAY 2024

On the second day of STOTME 2024, potential clients and delegates from the gas oil and petrochemical industry visited Anabeeb and engaged with our team in meaningful business discussions.

لليوم الثاني على التوالي استضاف جناح ذ في مؤتمر ومعرض STOTME عدداً من الشركاء والعملاء والزوار المهتمين في قطاع الغاز ، النفط و البتروكيماويات لتبادل الخبرات والنقاشات المثمرة مع فريق أنابيب.

28 MAY 2024

On the first day at the STOTME 2024 conference and exhibition, Anabeeb was awarded the plaque as a golden sponsor. We were thrilled to welcome valuable clients discussing business opportunities and interested visitors exploring our services and technologies at our booth.

مقتفطات لليوم الأول من مشاركة أنابيب في مؤتمر ومعرض STOTME 2024 والذي بدأ بحصول أنابيب على درع شكر وتقدير كراعي ذهبي للمؤتمر ولقد سعدنا بزيارة عملائنا الزوار الكرام للاطلاع على ماتقدمه أنابيب من خدمات وتقنيات في مجال الخدمات الصناعية.

Gold Sponsor
27 MAY 2024

We welcome all enthusiasts to discover our world-class capabilities, services and technologies.

Join us at booth number 04!!

Gold Sponsor
23 MAY 2024

5 days left until we're at STOTEME 2024 Conference & Exhibition! Visit us at booth number 04 to meet our experts and discover Anabeeb's technologies, services and capabilities.

Heat Stress Compaign
22 MAY 2024

Under the slogan "Stay Hydrated and Protect yourself",Anabeeb launched an awareness campaign across all facilities, workshops, and sites to prevent fatal heat stress accidents. It is crucial to protect ourselves and follow safety guidelines to create a safer and healthier environment Together, we can safeguard our well-being and ensure a secure workplace for all.

تحت شعار "ابقى مرتوياً واحمي نفسك"، أطلقت أنابيب حملة توعوية في جميع المرافق وورش العمل والمواقع التابعة لها للوقاية من حوادث الإجهاد الحراري المميتة. من الضروري حماية أنفسنا واتباع إرشادات السلامة لخلق بيئة أكثر أمانًا وصحة. معًا نتعاون، لضمان مكان عمل آمن للجميع.

آدام الله عليك لباس العافية
19 MAY 2024

حفظ الله مليكنا ووالدنا خادم الحرمين الشريفين والبسه لباس الصحة والعافية.

Boddy Manager Program
17 MAY 2024

We would like to express our gratitude for the appreciation extended to us for participating in SAMREF Buddy Manager Program. This recognition further emphasizes our commitment to safety and excellence in all aspects of our work. Thanks SAMREF for the opportunity to be part of such an impactful program

نود أن نعرب عن امتناننا للتقدير الذي حظينا به لمشاركتنا في برنامج SAMREF Buddy Manager Program يؤكد هذا التقدير على التزامنا بالسلامة والتميز في جميع جوانب عملنا. شكرًا لـسامرف على إتاحة الفرصة لنا للمشاركة من هذا البرنامج الفعال.

Gold Sponsor
12 MAY 2024

In the spotlight soon! Anabeeb is set to showcase its capabilities and services at STOTEME2024

Ras Tanura Refinery Appreciation
09 MAY 2024

Anabeeb Recognized for Excellence!

This recognition by ARAMCO RasTanura Refinery highlights the impactful efforts that have contributed significantly to steering the RTR 2024 Mega T&l towards a successful trajectory. It serves as a solid testament to our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of client satisfaction.

Netherlands King' Day
06 MAY 2024

Delighted to announce our sponsorship of the Netherlands King's Day at the Netherlands Embassy in Riyadh on May 6, 2024 .

يسرنا ان نعلن عن رعايتنا لاحتفال السفارة الهولندية في الرياض بيوم الملك الموافق لـ 6 مايو2024 .

Labor Day
01 MAY 2024

Our true wealth lies in the dedicated work force behind our achievements and continuity. A tribute to everyone at Anabeeb. Your contributions are the heartbeat of our success

ثروتنا الحقيقية في أنابيب تكمن في وجود قوى عاملة مخلصة خلف إنجازاتنا واستمراريتنا. تحية تقدير لكل من يعمل في أنابيب فأن جهودكم نبض نجاحنا.

Safety & Health at Work
29 Apr 2024

World Day for Safety and Health at Work is a crucial occasion that highlights the importance of ensuring the well-being of employees in the workplace. At Anabeeb safety and health are paramount, with a clear focus on making sure that every employee goes home safely every day. From rigorous safety training to implementing safety protocols, we prioritize creating a work environment that is not only productive but also safe for everyone. Our commitment to safety and health is ingrained in everything we do, reflecting our dedication to the well-being of our employees.

يعد اليوم العالمي للسلامة والصحة المهنية مناسبة هامة لتسليط الضوء على أهمية ضمان سلامة وصحة الموظفين, بدءًا من تقديم البرامج التدريبية في السلامة والصحة المهنية والتطبيق الصارم لإجراءات السلامة فأننا نؤكد حرصنا على ان يعود موظفينا الى منازلهم بأمان أنابيب تلتزم بأن تكون الأولوية لسلامة وصحة الموظفين فهدفنا ليس بيئة عمل منتجة فحسب بل آمنة أيضًا للجميع

Netherlands King's Day
27 Apr 2024

Fijne Koningsdag! Wishing our Dutch colleagues and clients a festive and joyous King's Day celebration. Congratulations on this special occasion from Anabeeb

Secretaries Day
25 Apr 2024

Happy Secretaries' Day to the everyday heroes behind the scenes. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and exceptional skills that keep work running smoothly!

شكراً للأبطال الذين يعملون خلف الكواليس على تفانيكم ومهاراتكم الاستثنائية التي تحافظ على سير العمل بسلاسة واحترافية.

Anabeeb Sports Festival
23 Apr 2024

A friendly match between employees have assembled and created a small sports competition of cricket, basketball, and football. Congratulations to all the winners of Anabeeb sports festival.

اقامت أنابيب مجموعة من المباريات الودية لكرة السلة , الكريكت وكرة القدم بين موظفيها نبارك للفائزين وتتمنى التوفيق للجميع في المبادرات الرياضية القادمة

World Earth Day
22 Apr 2024

Anabeeb is raising the awareness during World Earth Day. Let's work together to create a sustainable future!

نحتفل اليوم باليوم العالمي للأرض ونجدد التزامنا في أنابيب بالمسؤولية البيئية وبناء مستقبل مستدام

MTBE-1 Utility-1 Turnaround
19 Apr 2024

Anabeeb's steadfast dedication to safety has resulted in a remarkable achievement during the turnaround at Ibn Zahr MTBE-1 & Utility-1. Thanks to the hard work and contributions of our team. Thank you to the Ibn Zahr team for recognizing our efforts.

نتيجة التزام أنابيب الراسخ والمستمر في مجال السلامة ساهم فريق عمل أنابيب في نجاح وإنجاز Turnaround at Ibn Zahr MTBE-1 & Utility-1 جزيل الشكر لفريق عمل أنابيب على تفانيهم واخلاصهم ولفريق عمل ابن زهر على تقديرهم للجهود المبذولة

Eid Mubarak
10 Apr 2024

ولاء يتجدد على العهد والوفاء
07 Apr 2024

World Autism Awareness Day
02 Apr 2024

On World Autism Day, Anabeeb urge everyone to expand their knowledge and understanding of autism & prioritize efforts to integrate individuals with autism into society, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment.

في اليوم العالمي للتوحد نحث الجميع للتعرف على التوحد وفهمه وبذل الجهود لتمكين الافراد المصابين بالتوحد من الاندماج في المجتمع وخلق بيئة داعمة ومشجعة لهم

Anabeeb Iftar 2024
30 Mar 2024

Anabeeb held its annual iftar gathering for the company’s employees to share with them the joy and atmosphere of the holy month. This event comes as part of Anabeeb internal plans and programs aimed to renewing communication and enhancing harmony among Anabeeb’s employees

اقامت أنابيب حفل الإفطار السنوي لموظفيها لتشارك معهم فرحة واجواء الشهر الفضيل وتدعم الترابط والتواصل الوثيق بينهم وسط أجواء رمضانية مميزة

Happy Mother's Day
21 Mar 2024

We appreciate all the efforts, and dedication you bring to your families every day. Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there!

نحتفي في 21 مارس بـ " اليوم العالمي للأم " والذي يشكل مناسبة سنوية يتم من خلالها تسليط الضوء على دور الأم في بناء المجتمع وتنشئة الأجيال ومن أنابيب تحية اجلال وتقدير لكل أم وكل عام وأنتن رمز الحنان والعطاء

Contractors Safety Day
17 Mar 2024

Anabeeb attended the Safety contractor day at Yasref to foster collaboration and establish a safer work environment for all projects involved.

قام فريق من أنابيب بزيارة لشركة ياسرف لتعزيز سبل التعاون المشترك في تحقيق السلامة البيئية والمهنية للمشاريع القائمة والمستقبلية

Saudi Arabia Flag Day 2024
11 Mar 2024

On this day, March 11, a national occasion in which we celebrate the Saudi Flag Day, which embodies our identity and represents the values ​​and principles of our country. On this occasion, we in Anabeeb renew our loyalty and pride in the flag, its culture, deep history, and its value that extends throughout the country.

11 مارس / مناسبة وطنية نحتفي بها بالعلم الذي يجسد هويتنا ويمثل القيم والمبادئ التي قامت عليها الدولة وبهذه المناسبة تجدد أنابيب ولائها واعتزازها بالعلم ودلالاته ومضامينه العميقة وقيمته الممتدة عبر التاريخ ودمت خافقاً في سماء المجد.

Ramadan Kareem
10 Mar 2024

Certificate of Apreciation
10 Mar 2024

In Anabeeb safety is our top priority, and seeing this recognition for our recent Turnaround is incredibly rewarding. A big shoutout to petrokemya and the entire team for their hard work and dedication!

في أطار التزام أنابيب المستمر نحو السلامة والريادة وتحقيقاً للرؤية التي تنتهجها مع عملائها حصل فريق عمل أنابيب على شهادة تقدير لجهودهم والتزامهم في اكمال مشروع بتروكيميا وخالص الشكر لفريق بتروكيميا على دعمهم المتواصل خلال فترة أكمال المشروع.

Yanbu Refinery
10 Mar 2024

A notable recognition to the incredible Anabeeb team behind the safe and successful completion of the 2023 Yanbu Refinery Turnaround. The dedication and commitment were instrumental in achieving this remarkable project.

حصلت أنابيب على تقدير لجهود والتزام فريق عملها في اكمال مشروع Turnaround لمصفاة ينبع للعام 2023 ويأتي هذا التقدير كشاهد على حرص أنابيب على الالتزام الراسخ والأداء المتميز و تحقيق اعلى معايير الجودة والسلامة في اكمال مشاريعها.

International Womens Day
9 Mar 2024

Happy Women's Day!

كل عام والمرأة ناجحة في مواجهة التحديات وصياغة المستقبل كل عام وهي أساس المجتمع ومربية الأجيال وشريكة الإنجازات.

3rd Contractor of The Year 2023
29 Feb 2024

To have been recognized for 3 monthly safety awards during 2023 and be one of the top contractors to receive a Contractor of the Year Safety Award from Sasref, reflects our team's dedication and alignment with Anabeeb mission to provide high-quality services with sustainable returns from our clients.

أنابيب تؤكد ريادتها والتزامها بتقديم اعلى معايير الجودة والحلول المستدامة لعملائها من خلال حصولها على 3 جوائز للسلامة من ساسرف في عام 2023 .

Qatar Energy LNG Shutdown
26 Feb 2024

Anabeeb is recognized with an appreciation certificate for the Qatar Energy LNG Shutdown appreciation ceremony for its remarkable efforts, exemplary performance, and commitment to completion Qatar Energy LNG shutdown safely.

تلقت أنابيب شهادة تقدير من قطر للطاقة نظير لجهودها الملحوظة وادائها المثالي والتزامها في اكمال Qatar Energy LNG shutdown.

Kuwait National Day
25 Feb 2024

Congratulations to the people of Kuwait on their National Day! May this day be filled with pride, joy & unity.

مناسبة اليوم الوطني الكويتي 63 دامت الكويت بازدهار وشعبها الطيب بأمان.

Saudi Founding Day
23 Feb 2024

A glimpse of Anabeeb celebration on the Saudi Founding Day

جانب من احتفال أنابيب بـمناسبة يوم التأسيس

Saudi Founding Day
23 Feb 2024

A history of glories and a present of achievements for a promising and bright future. Happy Saudi Founding Day

تاريخ من الأمجاد وحاضر من الإنجازات لمستقبل واعد ومشرق

Petro Rabigh Safety Campaign
22 Feb 2024

ANABEEB fuels safety at PetroRabigh's Annual Safety Campaign! We are honored to attend and showcase our capabilities in Catalyst services.

دعمت أنابيب حملة السلامة السنوية التي اقمتها بترورابغ من خلال مشاركتها في الحملة وابراز دورها وامكانياتها في مجال السلامة المهنية

SASREF Turnaround Team Building Workshop
19 Feb 2024

SASREF invited ANABEEB to join in their 2024 Turnaround Team Building Workshop that took place on 15th of February 2024. The objective of the workshop was to improve team effectiveness while providing readiness confirmation and commitment for 2024 Turnaround for the successful completion together.

بدعوة من ساسرف شاركت أنابيب في ورشة عمل بناء الفريق التي اقامتها ساسرف بهدف تعزيز و رفع كفاءة العمل الجماعي وتأكيد الجاهزية والالتزام لتحقيق النجاح في المشاريع المشتركة.

10 Million Safe Man Hours and 10 Years Service
8 Feb 2024

Dedication to safety, and success! Anabeeb Qatar celebrated 10 Million Safe Man-hours and 10-years' service for employees. This momentous occasion is a tribute to the hard work and commitment of our entire team. Congratulations to all!

" عقد من السلامة واالالتزام " أنابيب قطر تحتفل بأكمال عشر ملايين ساعة عمل امنه وتكرم موظفيها ممن اكملوا عشر سنوات من الخدمة المستمرة والمخلصة

Management Walkthrough
7 Feb 2024

ANABEEB Management conducted a walkthrough at TASNEE Butanol & AA reactor project to asses the ongoing work & in support of our team.

جانب من زيارة إدارة أنابيب للمشروع القائم في تصنيع بيوتانول للاطلاع على التطورات والتقدم في المشروع وتقديم الدعم القيادي لفريق العمل

PLD Team Celebration
6 Feb 2024

ANABEEB PLD team celebrated another year of pushing boundaries. We're proud of all the meters we've conquered and the projects we've driven forward. Cheers to many more successful projects ahead!

عام اخر من الإنجازات والمشاريع الناجحة يضُاف الى مسيرة أنابيب في التقدم والابتكار ويعزز مكانتها الرائدة في مجالها

Anabeeb Gold Sponsor
2 Feb 2024

Arabian Pipeline & Services Co. Ltd. (ANABEEB) is delighted to announce the participation at the STOT ME - Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages Technical Conference - Saudi Edition 2024 as a gold sponsor which will be held from 28TH – 30TH of May 2024, at Grand Hyatt, Al-Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to showcase our industry-leading solutions, services and innovative technologies at this premier event, and connect with top professionals in the Oil , Gas & Petrochemicals sector .

Looking forward to sharing insights, innovations, and networking opportunities!

أنابيب تشارك كراعي ذهبي في المؤتمر التقني السادس للصيانة (الاغلاق والتحولات والانقطاع) STOT ME - Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages Technical Conference - Saudi Edition 2024 من الفترة 28 الى30 مايو 2024 لتسلط الضوء على دورها وخبراتها وحلولها في قطاع النفط , الغاز والبتروكيماويات.

ونتطلع لتبادل الخبرات القيمة واستغلال فرص التواصل في هذا الحدث الرائد.

Heart Attack Prevention & Rescue Response Campaign
28 Jan 2024

ANABEEB conducted a Heart Attack Prevention & Rescue Response awareness campaign for employees at head office & ongoing projects sites, featuring a visit from a cardiologist who provided detailed explanations and addressed questions. This initiative aimed to educate and empower our workforce with essential knowledge about heart health and emergency response.

نظمت أنابيب حملة توعوية للوقاية من النوبة القلبية والاستجابة الطارئة وهدفت هذه الحملة الى تثقيف وتمكين القوى العاملة لدى أنابيب بالمعرفةالأساسية والتدابير الوقائية حول النوبات القلبية والاستجابة لحالات الطوارئ.

International Day of Education
24 Jan 2024

ANABEEB's dedication to education is reflected in the diverse training programs we offer, such as HSE training, skills development, and career advancement courses. In 2023, around 16,287 employees benefited from this commitment, and we continue to expand our training initiatives.

تلتزم أنابيب بتحقيق التأثير الايجابي في مسار التعليم من خلال تقديم برامج تدريبية متنوعة مثل التدريب في مجال الصحة والسلامة المهنية وتطوير المهارات ودورات التطور المهني. ففي عام ٢٠٢٣ استفاد حوالي ١٦،٢٨٧ موظف من برامجنا. ونحن مستمرون في التوسع في مجالات التدريب المختلفة.

Congratulations on the AFC Asian Cup
17 Jan 2024

مبروك فوز المنتخب السعودي.

ISO Certification
15 Jan 2024

As a result of our commitment to our objectives, which have transcended limits and set a new standard for excellence. Anabeeb has transformed its ISO management system into the "Integrated Management System" (IMS). The implementation of the IMS demonstrates Anabeeb's unwavering commitment to creating new industry benchmarks. With its comprehensive integration of quality management, environmental stewardship, and occupational health and safety.

نتيجة لالتزام أنابيب بأهدافها وتحقيقاً لرؤيتها وضعت أنابيب معيار جديد للتميز بتطوير نظام ادارتها الى نظام الإدارة المتكامل والذي يسهم في تحقيق التكامل الشامل لإدارة الجودة والبيئة والسلامة والصحة المهنية.

Launching our Revamped Website
1 Jan 2024

We're pleased to announce the launch of our revamped website! The updated design and improved functionality are geared towards enhancing the user experience for our clients, partners, and employees.
Please take a moment to visit our new website and familiarize yourself with the enhancements.

New Year 2024
1 Jan 2024

Happy New Year 2024.

Anabeeb 365 Days Accomplishment
1 Jan 2024

Anabeeb 365 days accomplishment in 90 seconds: Achievements unlocked, impactful campaigns, vibrant events, community participation, significant milestones, and prestigious awards.
In this dynamic demonstration of our development, you witness our dedication to success, teamwork, and beneficial influence.

Samref Appreciation
29 Dec 2023

Thank you to SAMREF Saudi Aramco Mobil Refinery Company Ltd. for recognizing our participation to the Buddy Manager Program conducted during the Samref’s 2023 Turnaround. This appreciation validates our dedication to excellence and safety.

نود ان نعرب عن شكرنا الجزيل لـسامرف على تقديرهم لمشاركتنا في The Buddy Manager Program.

Satorp Successful Completion
24 Dec 2023

Anabeeb is deeply appreciative of the recognition from Saudi Aramco Total Refining and Petrochemical Company (SATORP) for our outstanding efforts, contribution, and dedication in the successful completion of Train-I Turnaround 2023. We proudly acknowledge our team's unwavering commitment and hard work, and remain dedicated to achieving excellence in all our services.

تود أنابيب ان تعبر عن امتنانها لـ ساتورب على تقديرها لجهودنا ومساهمتنا في اكمال Train-I Turnaround 2023 أنابيب تعتز دائماً بتفاني وجهود فريقها بتحقيق التميز والابتكار.

Online Leak Sealing
22 Dec 2023

Today, Arabian Pipeline & Services Co. Ltd. Anabeeb celebrated the remarkable achievement of producing 17,000 clamps, and it was a joyous occasion to appreciate the dedicated individuals who contributed to this success. During my visit to the facility at Jubail 2, I was struck by the extraordinary professionalism and unwavering dedication of the employees. Their commitment to safety was evident in every aspect of their work, and it was truly commendable to witness. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to each and every one of them for their exceptional professionalism and hard work, which played a pivotal role in reaching this impressive milestone. It was a day filled with appreciation for the incredible efforts of our team, and I am immensely proud of their achievements.

International Arabic Language Day
18 Dec 2023

نحتفي بـاليوم العالمي للغة العربية لغة القران الكريم التي نفخر ونعتز بها بين الشعوب، وباعتزازنا بها نحافظ ونّوعي بهذا الإرث العظيم.

We celebrate International Arabic Language Day the language of the Holy Qur’an the language that has great legacy and we are honor to preserve it.

Happy QATAR National Day
18 Dec 2023

نتقدم بأطيب التهاني إلى قيادة وشعب دولة قطر بمناسبة اليوم الوطني القطري، متمنين لهم المزيد من التقدم والازدهار. 🇶🇦

Grude Unit - Decontamination
13 Dec 2023

Wonderful News! We've achieved a significant milestone by successfully entering Saudi Aramco to perform Decontamination Services for Crude Unit. This success is attributed to the powerful synergy with Zymeflow; meticulous planning, and effective communication, enabling us to surpass Industry standards. Adding to this achievement, we are honored to receive recognition from Aramco Yanbu Refinery (YRD) - TRS Director & Refinery Manager on successful completion of Decontamination Services Project (for Crude Unit).

This accomplishment reflects our team's professionalism, great appreciation to the both teams Chemical Solutions Unit and Zymeflow, for exceeding the expectations. More exciting times ahead as we continue to push industry boundaries!

Welcomed our Partners
11 Dec 2023

Today at Anabeeb , we welcomed our partners from Mourik Mr. Arnold Frinks the Director of Mourik Global along with Mr. Cas Pluymakers the Operations Manager from Unidense.
It was a fruitful discussion between companies that partnered for over 35 years to revolutionize the Industrail Services sector and continue to set the standards to be followed by others.

Outstanding Turnaround
8 Dec 2023

Anabeeb is thrilled to share the success of our Chemical Solutions Unit! Our team not only met but surpassed expectations in flawlessly executing the MFC Decontamination and Chemical Cleaning project at SADARA.
Anabeeb is proud to receive an “Appreciation Award from SADARA” during the recent Hydrocarbon & Plastic TA Celebration event, underscoring our team's outstanding efforts and the high standard of service we uphold.
This achievement wouldn't be possible without the tireless efforts, dedication, and passion of our incredible teams at Anabeeb and ZYMEFLOW.

Protect Your Head from Falling Objects
7 Dec 2023

Falling objects are one of the most common causes of personal injury. Anabeeb conducted safety campaign to raise awareness and encourage a safe work culture among its employees.

United Arab Emirates National Day
2 Dec 2023

كل عام ودولة الامارات العربية المتحدة بأمنٍ وامان وتقدم.

30 Nov 2023

أنابيب تبارك للمهندس / محمود الذيب تعيينه رئيسا للهيئة الملكية بالجبيل متمنين له التوفيق والسداد.

Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia EXPO 2030
29 Nov 2023

الرياض إكسبو 2030 إنجاز اخر يسطر في تاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية هذا الإنجاز شهادة على الرؤية والتصميم والعمل الجاد لقيادة المملكة وشعبها.

RiyadhExpo2030, it’s inspiring to witness the progress and development taking place in the Kingdom, and this achievement is a testament to the vision, determination, and hard work of kingdom’s leadership & people.

17,000 Clamps by Anabeeb
27 Nov 2023

Anabeeb has been a trusted provider of hashtag leaksealing solutions since 1994 and we have successfully installed over 17,000 leak sealing clamps at our client’s facilities / plants. From 1/2" to 62" clamps, handling temperatures from -60°C to 560°C & pressures up to 180BAR. Our experienced team is available 24/7 to provide quick and reliable solutions.

Appreciating the Hard Work on Site
21 Nov 2023

It's great to see the progress and dedication of everyone on site.
Their hard work and commitment are truly appreciated.

Blood Donation
21 Nov 2023

Every drop of blood counts! Anabeeb conducted a blood donation campaign at our head office in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) Dammam, Blood Bank, Regional Laboratory, and Dar Afia Hospital Dammam.

Efforts to donate blood exceeded all expectations. We would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation to all the blood donors, medical team, and volunteers for their contribution and assistance throughout the blood donation campaign.

By donating blood, anyone can save someone's life.

International Men's Day
19 Nov 2023

Today, Anabeeb honor the amazing Men in our lives – our fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, friends, and colleagues. Men are the foundation of our families, communities, and society. Let us express our gratitude to all the men out there by saying Happy International Men's Day.

Outstanding Performance
17 Nov 2023

Anabeeb team has been recognized for its outstanding performance during Sharq Cracker DBN Project Turnaround 2023. Another testament of our unwavering support to our clients on every project.

World Diabetes Day
15 Nov 2023

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Anabeeb and Arrazi Clinics are committed to creating value by raising the awareness about diabetes with our employees in Jubail-1 office.

World Quality Day
10 Nov 2023

World Quality Day - Anabeeb aspires to meet all quality standards in our services, products and most importantly our customer satisfaction. We make use of ISO and ABS standards which is recognized worldwide. Following our vision and mission to make sure we make constant improvements to aim for greatness.

45 Million Safe Man-hours
3 Nov 2023

With great pride, Anabeeb announces that we have reached a milestone of "45 Million Safe Man-hours". This is a significant accomplishment for our company and demonstrates that the safety of our employees is our top priority.

This accomplishment would not have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of all of our employees. We appreciate all your contribution to safety and your ongoing support.

31 Oct 2023

Cybersecurity awareness month.

Breast Cancer Awareness
27 Oct 2023

Breast cancer is the most common cancer found among women worldwide, but it's also one of the most treatable when detected early.
That is why Anabeeb encourages everyone to get regular checkups, mammograms and to become familiar with the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

Industrial Demolition Partnership
23 Oct 2023

Anabeeb PLD team again with a great achievement in completing the final pull after so many challenges and a difficult ground.

Ready for our next chapter.

Industrial Demolition Partnership
22 Oct 2023

We are excited to announce an exciting new partnership between two industry leaders, Anabeeb and Van Vliet. As a global full-service dismantling, demolition, and asbestos removal company, Van Vliet demolition group specializes in serving the petrochemical, refining, heavy industry, and related sectors.
This collaboration brings together Anabeeb's knowhow and Van Vliet's extensive experience to provide comprehensive solutions for our clients.

ذكرى البيعة التاسعة
19 Oct 2023

بمناسبة ذكرى البيعة التاسعة لتولي خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز - حفظه الله - مقاليد الحكم أنابيب ومنسوبيها يجددون العهد والولاء والانتماء.

Anabeeb Recognized by SAMREF
18 Oct 2023

We are proud to announce that SAMREF has recognized Anabeeb for our contribution to achieving their 8 million safe man-hours! This is a great moment for both teams and it demonstrates our commitment to ensure the success of all of our undertakings.

5th Ethylene Middle East Technology Conference
17 Oct 2023

Anabeeb General Manager Raed Alghamdi along with Noorul Hasan Mohammad supporting Zymeflow during EMET2023.

10,000 Valve Repair & Overhauling
16 Oct 2023

Anabeeb Valve Repair team has successfully achieved a breakthrough of 10,000 valves repair and overhauling at our facility in Jubail 2. This milestone is a testament of hard work and dedication. Congratulations to each and every one for this great achievement.

Sharq Safety Campaign
12 Oct 2023

Sharq recently organized a PPE assessment event, and Anabeeb gladly took part to demonstrate the safety measures, we employ in executing our projects, particularly in confined spaces and hot-work related activities.

Prevention is Better Than Cure
9 Oct 2023

Take proactive steps to safeguard yourself from breast cancer by undergoing regular checkups with a healthcare professional. Identification of breast cancer will increase the cure rate by over 95% and has the potential to reduce mortality rates by up to 30%.

Sasref Contractor Safety Award
28 Sep 2023

Anabeeb long history with Sasref has contributed greatly to our knowledge, experience, and safety culture. We grow and learn with partners that nurture Safety culture and Sasref is a prime example of that.

Thank you to all members of both teams for your hard work and dedication on achieving Contractor Safety Award for the second month in a row.

Saudi National Day 93
26 Sep 2023

Anabeeb employees celebrating the Saudi national day 93.

Saudi National Day 93 / اليوم الوطني السعودي ٩٣
24 Sep 2023

أنابيب تهنئكم باليوم الوطني السعودي ٩٣
وكل عام وانتم والوطن بخير.

ANABEEB Achieved the Achilles Austainability Acore
4 Sep 2023

Anabeeb has achieved Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) certification from Aramco approved certifier Achilles. We are pleased to announce a significant development in our sustainability journey.
Our gratitude goes to our incredible team for their contribution in achieving this certification.

Best Contractor of the Month Award
31 Aug 2023

Anabeeb is proud to be recognized as the Best Contractor for the month of July 2023 by SASREF. We would like to thank our Anabeeb on-site team working at SASREF facility for their continuous dedication and providing quality services. This award is a testament to our commitment to safety and quality. We are glad to be a part of the SASREF community.

Women's Equality Day
26 Aug 2023

On this Women's Equality Day, let us honor the progress made, but also renew our commitment to creating a world where equality flourish. Together, we can be catalysts for change and pave the way for a more equitable future.

Cybersecurity Compliance Certificate
24 Aug 2023

Anabeeb has successfully renewed its Cybersecurity Compliance Certificate (CCC), assuring secure connectivity with our valued client Saudi Aramco and ensures the protection and safety of all our data.

Celebrating the Success and Contribution
23 Aug 2023

Celebrating the amazing contributions & success stories by both Arabian Pipeline & Services Co. Ltd. (Anabeeb) & ZymeFlow towards continuously delivering top notch Industrial Solutions to the region through superior products, services, and the amazing people that work at both teams.

Catalyst Handling Services
20 Aug 2023

Catalyst fouling can obstruct active sites, lowering activity and productivity. Anabeeb's Leading catalyst handling service provider with a proven track record of success provides you the unloading and loading of catalyst for all types of reactors under inert or normal atmospheres for over 35 years throughout the region.

Manufacturing & Production Services
16 Aug 2023

A shortage of skilled labor can imperil industrial manufacturing demand.Anabeeb has the capability, knowledge and a skilled team of experienced engineers and fabricators to provide you with all aspects of manufacturing and production services, from design through delivery and on-site installation.

13 Aug 2023

Heat exchangers can deteriorate over time, resulting in lower efficiency. Anabeeb employ highly skilled technicians to provide re-tubing services in order to assure the effective restoration of your equipment to its optimal condition and restore it to its ideal state while maintaining excellent quality and performing like new.

Tank Services
8 Aug 2023

Over time, Tanks can get filthy and contaminated, resulting in a range of operating concerns such as leaks and corrosion. Anabeeb deploys cutting-edge equipment and procedures to execute tank maintenance and repair activities in order to prevent accidents and lengthen the lifespan of your tanks.

Training Programs
7 Aug 2023

Knowing that the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical sector is extremely risky, individuals working in this field must be adequately trained and instructed in a safe manner.

Anabeeb provides an array of realistic training programs in professions consisting of metal fabricator, mechanical pipe-fitter, electrical, instrumentation, bolt torqueing and tensioning. These courses are conducted by highly experienced and certified instructors.